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Photo 04-06-2022, 07 30 03.jpg

Lord Brooke's Regiment of Foote
'The Dyers'

Photo 04-06-2022, 07 31 54.jpg

Mission Statement

"The aim of the group is to inject "Hardcore" or "Progressive" living history ethos into the English Civil War scene.


A Small group portraying a handful of men, Encamping authentically (Either in "Soldiers Huts" built from brush/sticks/turf etc, or finding billets in buildings) and cooking rations or liberated food over a fire authentically (So maybe one small cooking pot for the section or potless cooking, no campfires with 12 dutch ovens, a kettle and a frying pan between 4 men here!)


This has never been done in the ECW Scene before (As far as we know!)

The initial Impression is Musketeers of Lord Brookes Regiment of Foote.

The Ball is rolling and sourcing kit is underway as is research into what kit we should actually have (We have evidence of the 6 London Companies of Brookes being issued Purple Coats, but none so far for the 4 Warwickshire companies, one of which we shall be portraying.)


This will probably mean we will be in 17th Century civillian dress, which will give individuals more scope to personalise their impressions (And also mean that we can portray many different units circumstances depending). More Info to follow soon but any questions let us know. Also if you know of any others who would be interested in this sort of thing let us know. The goal ATM is to be able to field a handful of Musketeers and one NCO, a sergeant of musket."


6th April 2023, Joseph Bristoll - Group Founder.

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