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Photo 04-06-2022, 07 30 03.jpg

Lord Brooke's Regiment of Foote
'The Dyers'


The backbone of the foote.

Armed with a matchlock musket these men also carry a hangar or tuck (sword) in to battle.


Clad in their civilian clothing, musketeers have seen little to no warfare, but have enlisted to fight against the tyrannical king and his ill-judged advisors.


Express your interest to join the ranks by completing the form below. 



Armed with an 18ft Ash pole tipped with a metal spear, the 'Gentlemen of the Pike' were the armies defensive arm.


Primarily used to counter and defend against cavalry, pikemen also carried a tuck (or sword), and would occasionally be seen wearing a armour and a helmet. 


Express your interest to join the ranks by completing the form below. 

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